Collaborator Spotlight: Abena Gyimah

At Social Fabric Institute Inc. we don't take for-granted how wonderful it is to be part of a group of collaborators that bring so much insight, knowledge, skills, professionalism, and heart to our efforts helping organizations further their equity and inclusion goals. Once and a while we’ll be sharing with you here a little more about what makes these amazing people tick.

This month our blog highlights Abena Gyimah, who we've been blessed to work with several times since this company began.

Willow: What is your favourite Social Fabric Institute project you've worked on so far and why?

Abena: My favourite SFI project so far was co-facilitating the intercultural competency training we offered to the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador via their Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism. This project opened my eyes to new dimensions of culture and how lived experiences can transform and change perspectives and work ethics.

Willow: What #1 tip would you like to share with organizations looking to build a culture of belonging?

Abena: Organizations seeking to build a culture of belonging should be open to employees being their authentic selves: as Dr. Brené Brown says in her book Braving the Wilderness "True belonging doesn't require us to change who we are"; It requires us to be who we are. Organizations can create atmospheres that allow all employees to be their authentic selves without fear or judgment.

Willow: What one book, article, blog, or artistic creation would you recommend for people looking to deepen their understanding and practice related to equity, diversity, or inclusion (EDI)?

Abena: One woman of colour who inspires me is Michelle Obama. She is a vigorous opponent of inequality, and she has shown that through dedication, perseverance, a willingness to learn, affect change and be a leader to those who believe and admire her work. She has lived experience of how detrimental segregation, discrimination and racism can affect an individual and a community, and she articulates this and more through her podcast series, The Light Podcast.

Willow: EDI work can be gratifying but also challenging; what song do you turn to fill you up and help resource you for the work ahead?

I have numerous songs that keep me going for the work ahead, but I will give you the song that got me through this past August. It is titled "God will work it out" featuring Naomi Raine & Israel Houghton.


 To learn more about Abena and all she brings to Social Fabric Institute Inc. you can read her bio here.


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