Conflict Transformation

Why engage in conflict transformation

Conflict takes many forms, with multiple dimensions potentially at play. A holistic conflict transformation process addresses the personal, interpersonal, cultural and structural aspects of a conflict with the aim of bringing about positive change. What’s more, it recognizes the potential for positivity within a conflict rather than striving to avoid, manage, or resolve.

Taking a holistic approach to transforming a conflict, Social Fabric Institute Inc. works with organizations of any type or size to transform interpersonal disputes or deep-rooted cycles of conflict. In tandem with parties that are willing to invest time and engage, Social Fabric Institute addresses conflict with the aim of:

  • Transforming and strengthening relationships

  • Better understanding conflict and one’s own personal conflict style

  • Better understanding others’ conflict styles and how they influence your interactions

  • Improving communication skills

Taking steps to transform conflict could also result in reduced stress, improved mental health, and increased productivity in the workplace.

How conflict transformation benefits your organization

There are a number of ways organizations can work with Social Fabric Institute Inc. on conflict transformation. The specific action plan for your organization depends on the nature of the conflict being addressed and the state of the relationships at play. Transformation work might include: 

  • Assessment of conflict styles (through tools such as the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory®)

  • Transformative mediation

  • Facilitated dialogue

  • Case development meetings

Let’s discuss how we can help.

Social Fabric Institute Inc. can help your organization transform existing conflict and help you move forward. Contact us to discuss how we can work toward your goals.